Integrate with the Public Cloud

There are three public cloud integration options:
  • Amazon Workspace (AWS)
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Use this task to add an integration to deploy and manage cloud service connectors.

  1. Select Integrations > Public Cloud.
  2. To add an AWS integration:
    1. Select the AWS Integration tab.
    2. Select Add Integration.
    3. Update the following fields:
      • Integration Name
      • AWS Account ID
      • AWS Access Key ID
      • AWS Secret
      • Session Token
    4. Select Add.
  3. To add an Azure integration:
    1. Select the Azure Integration tab.
    2. Select Add Integration.
    3. Update the following fields:
      • Integration Name
      • Subscription ID
      • Tenant ID
      • Application Client ID
      • Object ID
      • Application Client Secret
    4. Select Add.
  4. To add a GCP integration:
    1. Select the GCP Integration tab.
    2. Select Add Integration.
    3. Follow instructions on the screen to update the following fields:
      • Integration Name
      • Project ID
      • Upload the JSON key file
    4. Select Add.